Dear Israel Volume I

Birthday letter to my son

Hey Y’all Hey! Kijan ou Ye! How are you doing?

On the 2nd anniversary celebrating becoming a mother, I am writing a birthday letter to my son and I hope to continue this every year moving forward.

Dear Israel,

Happy 2nd birthday baby boy!

I still can’t believe that one I’m your mom and two you are 2! Time is flying by so fast son.

I love being your mom.

You are my SonShine!

You light up our lives with your laughs, your smirks and every time you say and do anything for the first time.

You are everything and more I could ever imagine. You keep me on my toes because when you want my attention you know how to get it.

Watching you grow these past two years have been amazing. You are learning so much. Watching you be independent and trying to figure things out on your own is so heartfelt. I love guiding you and cheering you on.

I love how you call everyone mommy when you want something. But you’re fully aware of whose your mom and come to me when you really need mommy.

I love your hugs.

I love hearing your little voice.

I’m so blessed to be your mom, Israel and happy to be raising a future king that will be honest and respectable.

Son, as you turn two I want to thank you for being you. I want to tell you that mommy loves you. I will continue to affirm you with positive affirmations and let you know that anything you put your mind to is possible.

Know that mommy will always be your safe haven. I will always be honest with you my child. Life isn’t easy but having you as a son makes it worthwhile.

I promise to be your teacher and give you guidance. I promise to provide you with everything I had growing up as well as the things I didn’t have. I promise to provide you with tools and resources so that if I can’t help you someone else can. Last but not least, I promise to love you forever and always.

Thank you for choosing me as your mother.

I can never doubt Gods love for me because of the fact that he gave me you! You are a precious gift and I love you eternally.

Izzy, you will know no limits for you are fearfully and wonderfully made!

Happy birthday to my one and only son, you are such a blessing! Continue to grow in love Izzy.

I love you,

Until the next post…

Signing Out,

Live with purpose, Love with passion, Laugh with pleasure

4 Comments Add yours

  1. Shar says:

    Happy birthday, little Israel! Great article, Windy. Very moving.

  2. Karletta says:

    This is special. You’ve got me tearing up here. Truly beautiful – your words and your images. What a precious gift for your son.

  3. I am sure one day he will look back on this beautiful memory that you shared and cherish it.

  4. Smiley says:

    Beautiful, something to read as he grows up and keep forever ❤

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